SQL 2014 software downloaded from Microsoft site and now we will learn the installation.
I downloaded the ISO file,So I have mounted it.Open the disk where s/w mounted and right click on setup.exe, select "Run as Administrator".
It will open new window. from the below windows , select Installation option. click on New server stand-alone .
New Windows will open, We will click on next button since we installing evaluation edition which is valid for 180 days.
On next page, check "I accept the license terms" box and click next
Global rules status should be passed. if anything fails,fix that before proceeding .Click Next if all green.
I am not checking Microsoft update check box , Click on Next button.
Install rules should be passed, we can ignore firewall warning.Click Next
From Set-up rules, select 1st option(SQL server feature installation).if u want to install all feature with default, choose 3rd option. choose 2nd option for share-point. Click next
choose whatever features u want to install from below page.Click next
All feature rules should be passed.
Instance Configuration :
Default instance: we can have only one default instance per server and its name will be the name of server .we can connect to default instance using server name,local host or using dot(.) in SSMS.
Named Instance: we can have multiple named instance per server. in order to connect to named instance we should use [server-name\Named-Instance] Name in SSMS.
I am going to install named instance "TEST" . Click on Next button.
Server Configuration:
we select how our sql server services and agent services run. Domain account must be used to run SQL server services and sql agent services. since i am installing it on my local machine,i am ok with default options.
Collation: it's simply rules to compare and sort order,string,letters in SQL server.
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS is default collation in SQL server. Click on next
Database Engine Configuration:
1. Server configuration tab:
Windows authentication: only domain users (Windows) can connect to SQL instance
Mixed mode: Windows and SQL users both can connect to SQL instance.
When we select Mixed mode, we have to type in the password for SA account.SA account have unrestricted access to SQL instance. MS recommends to disable the SA account.
Now we have to add the SQL admin group which will have full privilege on SQL server.
Click on ADD then type the DBA admin group.
Now Click on "Data Directories " tab
For Better I/O performance:
1. Keep System DB on separate drive.
2. user database data files should be placed on separate drive
3. user database log files must be on different disk
4. Temp db should be on dedicated drive
Click on Next
Feature Configuration rules must be passed.Click on next
On Ready to install page, click on Install button & view the installation progress.
Finally SQL server is installed.
Click on Close Button.
Open SSMS and connect to SQL named instance.
I downloaded the ISO file,So I have mounted it.Open the disk where s/w mounted and right click on setup.exe, select "Run as Administrator".
It will open new window. from the below windows , select Installation option. click on New server stand-alone .
New Windows will open, We will click on next button since we installing evaluation edition which is valid for 180 days.
On next page, check "I accept the license terms" box and click next
Install rules should be passed, we can ignore firewall warning.Click Next
From Set-up rules, select 1st option(SQL server feature installation).if u want to install all feature with default, choose 3rd option. choose 2nd option for share-point. Click next
choose whatever features u want to install from below page.Click next
All feature rules should be passed.
Instance Configuration :
Default instance: we can have only one default instance per server and its name will be the name of server .we can connect to default instance using server name,local host or using dot(.) in SSMS.
Named Instance: we can have multiple named instance per server. in order to connect to named instance we should use [server-name\Named-Instance] Name in SSMS.
I am going to install named instance "TEST" . Click on Next button.
Server Configuration:
we select how our sql server services and agent services run. Domain account must be used to run SQL server services and sql agent services. since i am installing it on my local machine,i am ok with default options.
Collation: it's simply rules to compare and sort order,string,letters in SQL server.
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS is default collation in SQL server. Click on next
Database Engine Configuration:
1. Server configuration tab:
Windows authentication: only domain users (Windows) can connect to SQL instance
Mixed mode: Windows and SQL users both can connect to SQL instance.
When we select Mixed mode, we have to type in the password for SA account.SA account have unrestricted access to SQL instance. MS recommends to disable the SA account.
Now we have to add the SQL admin group which will have full privilege on SQL server.
Click on ADD then type the DBA admin group.
For Better I/O performance:
1. Keep System DB on separate drive.
2. user database data files should be placed on separate drive
3. user database log files must be on different disk
4. Temp db should be on dedicated drive
Click on Next
Feature Configuration rules must be passed.Click on next
On Ready to install page, click on Install button & view the installation progress.
Finally SQL server is installed.
Click on Close Button.
Open SSMS and connect to SQL named instance.